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Dictionary Suite
blink a brief flash of light; glimmer; twinkle. [1/10 definitions]
directional signal any of the lights on a motor vehicle that flash to indicate that the vehicle is about to turn and to show the direction in which it will turn. Directional signals are located on both the front and rear of the vehicle and are activated by the driver; turn signal.
flash a photographic device for producing brief illumination of a subject; flash bulb; flash gun. [1/15 definitions]
flashbulb an electric bulb that gives a brief flash of very bright light when ignited, used to illuminate a subject while a photograph is taken.
flash point the lowest temperature at which a combustible liquid will give a flash of light when heat is applied. [1/2 definitions]
gleam a small or brief flash or beam of light. [2/3 definitions]
glint a brief flash or flicker of reflected light. [1/3 definitions]
lightning natural electricity produced in clouds and appearing as a bright flash of light in the sky.
meteor a bright streak or flash in the sky which occurs when small pieces of space material enter our atmosphere and burn up, often called a shooting star.
multiflash combined form of flash.
photoflash a glass bulb attached to a camera that flashes brilliantly for a moment when triggered electrically, to illuminate the subject being photographed; flash bulb.
scintillate to sparkle or flash. [1/4 definitions]
scintillation a spark, flash, or twinkle of light. [1/2 definitions]
spark a short, bright flash. [1/5 definitions]
sparkle a flash or gleam of light; glitter. [1/4 definitions]
streak to move very quickly or flash by. [1/8 definitions]
thunder the loud cracking noise or low distant rumble that follows a flash of lightning. Thunder is caused by the violent movement of air masses. [1/5 definitions]
turn signal any of the lights on a car or other vehicle that flash on and off to show that the vehicle is about to turn and to show which way it will turn. Turn signals are located on both the front and back of the vehicle.
wink a single flash from a twinkling source; twinkle. [1/11 definitions]