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double-tongue in playing a wind instrument, the action of touching the tongue alternately to the teeth and hard palate, producing rapid articulation of notes.
labiovelar of a speech sound, produced with rounded lips and the back of the tongue near or touching the soft palate, as "w" in English. [1/2 definitions]
nasopharynx the upper part of the pharynx that is above the soft palate and continuous with the nasal passages.
palatal of or relating to the palate. [2/3 definitions]
snore to make loud, hoarse noises while sleeping, usu. caused by the vibration of the soft palate. [1/3 definitions]
uvula the small projection of soft flesh that hangs from the soft palate above the back of the tongue.
velar of or relating to a thin membrane, esp. the soft palate. [2/3 definitions]
velum a thin, veillike membrane or membranous covering or partition, esp. the soft palate.