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Allies in World War I, the alliance of France, Great Britain, Russia, and other nations against the Central Powers. [2 definitions]
American Revolution the war of 1775-83 in which the American colonies won their independence from Great Britain.
backbencher a junior legislator, esp. in Great Britain's House of Commons, who is not one of his or her party's leaders.
baron a member of the hereditary nobility. In Great Britain, a baron is a nobleman of the lowest rank; peer. [1/2 definitions]
Ben Nevis the highest mountain peak in Great Britain (elevation, 4,406 feet, or 1,344 meters), located in the Grampian Mountains of western Scotland. [1/2 definitions]
Brit (informal) a person from Great Britain; Briton.
Britain the main island of the United Kingdom, located off the northwest coast of France and occupied by England, Scotland, and Wales; Great Britain. [1/2 definitions]
Britannia Great Britain or the British Empire, often represented as a seated, helmeted woman holding a trident. [2/3 definitions]
Britannic of Great Britain; British. [1/2 definitions]
Briticism a word, phrase, or idiom characteristic of or belonging exclusively to the English language as used in Great Britain.
British of or pertaining to Great Britain or the United Kingdom, or its people, culture, language, or the like. [4 definitions]
Britisher a native of Great Britain, esp. of England, or a descendant thereof; Englishman or Englishwoman.
British Isles Great Britain, Ireland, and the adjacent smaller islands, collectively.
Briton a Celtic inhabitant of southern Great Britain during the Roman Empire. [1/2 definitions]
collier a coal miner, esp. in Great Britain. [2 definitions]
colliery a coal mine, esp. in Great Britain, including the buildings and equipment associated with it.
Downing Street the elected government of Great Britain, so termed because 10 Downing Street is the residence of the prime minister.
Edwardian characteristic of or relating to the reign of Edward VII of Great Britain, esp. in displaying opulence, self-indulgence, or elegance.
Edward VII the king of Great Britain in 1901-10 (b.1841--d.1910).
England a division of the United Kingdom, comprising the southern and largest part of the island of Great Britain.
Europe this continent, excluding the islands of Great Britain and Ireland. [1/2 definitions]