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air curtain a draft of compressed air blown continuously across a doorway, usu. downward, to act as a door in maintaining interior temperature.
air shaft a narrow vertical passage through which fresh air can reach an otherwise enclosed area such as the interior of a building; ventilating shaft.
anabasis any large-scale military expedition or march, esp. one from a coast to the interior.
baseboard a narrow board lining the lowermost edge of an interior wall. [1/2 definitions]
bore1 the interior diameter of a tube or cylinder, esp. the barrel of a firearm. [1/7 definitions]
burn out to destroy the interior of (a building or vehicle) by fire. [1/4 definitions]
carwash a commercial establishment equipped to wash car exteriors and often to perform related services such as waxing and interior cleaning. [1/2 definitions]
ceiling the top interior surface of a room. [1/3 definitions]
concave curved inward like the interior of a sphere. (Cf. convex.) [1/3 definitions]
Dayak a member of one of the Indonesian peoples living in the interior of Borneo, or their language.
deadlight a strong shutter or cover fastened over the interior of a ship's porthole or cabin window in stormy weather. [1/3 definitions]
decorate to design and carry out a plan for the appearance of the interior of (a room or building), including color combinations, furnishings, floorings, and the like. [2/5 definitions]
decorator a person who decorates, esp. one whose occupation is designing interior décors.
Dewar flask a thermos container with a vacuum between, and a reflective surface on the interior of, its double walls, used esp. to store liquefied gases at constant temperatures.
embrasure an opening for a door or window splayed toward the interior. [1/2 definitions]
excavate to make a hole or cavity in by digging or scooping out the interior portion. [1/5 definitions]
fire door an interior door of heat-resistant material that is designed to contain the spread of a fire in a building.
geothermal energy heat energy produced in the interior of the earth, or energy derived from earth's heat.
grout a thin coat of plaster applied as finishing to an interior wall. [1/2 definitions]
gut to destroy or plunder the interior of. [1/11 definitions]
hatchway the passageway from such an opening to an interior floor or compartment, usu. fitted with stairs or a ladder. [1/2 definitions]