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big (informal) important, influential, or successful. [1/7 definitions]
big shot (informal) an influential or important person.
big-time (informal) significant or influential in a particular trade, profession, or other field of endeavor. [1/2 definitions]
fat cat (slang) a wealthy, influential person, esp. one who donates heavily to political campaigns. [1/2 definitions]
Frank Lloyd Wright influential U.S. architect (b.1869--d.1959)
guru a recognized or influential expert in some particular field. [1/4 definitions]
haute couture (French) the leading, most influential designers and creators of fashions in clothing, and the fashions they create; high fashion.
heavyweight (informal) an esp. influential or brilliant person. [1/6 definitions]
inner circle a small, exclusive group of influential people.
leading light an influential or guiding member, as of a community, club, or the like.
leavening an influential addition that enlivens something or causes something to slowly change. [1/2 definitions]
Louis Armstrong influential U.S. jazz trumpet player and singer; born Louis Daniel Armstrong (b.1901--d.1971).
mogul (l.c.) a powerful or influential person. [1/2 definitions]
mover one who is very influential and energetic and who is known for being able to get a great deal accomplished, esp. in politics or business. [1/3 definitions]
nabob a wealthy, influential, or prominent person, esp. one who made his fortune in India or another Eastern colony. [1/2 definitions]
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. an influential U.S. Supreme Court justice (1902-1932), known for exercising judicial restraint and cited frequently for the opinion he wrote for Schenck v. United States, in which he argued that freedom of speech could be limited only in cases when particular acts of expression presented a "clear and present danger" to the country or its people (b.1841--d.1935).
Oprah Winfrey influential U.S. talk-show host, actor, philanthropist, and reputedly the first African-American woman billionaire (b.1954).
potent persuasive or influential. [1/3 definitions]
protégé a person under the care or sponsorship of an influential patron.
protégée a girl or woman under the care or sponsorship of an influential patron.
strong influential; effective. [1/13 definitions]