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Mississippi a river that flows from Minnesota south through the Midwest, along the border between Mississippi and Louisiana, and into the Gulf of Mexico. [1/2 definitions]
Mississippi River a river that flows from Minnesota south through the Midwest, along the border between Mississippi and Louisiana, and into the Gulf of Mexico.
MN abbreviation of "Minnesota," a Midwestern U.S. state on the Canadian border between Wisconsin and the Dakotas.
ND abbreviation of "North Dakota," a north central U.S. state on the Canadian border between Minnesota and Montana.
North Dakota a north central U.S. state on the Canadian border between Minnesota and Montana. (abbr.: ND)
St. Paul the capital of Minnesota.
WI abbreviation of "Wisconsin," a midwestern U.S. state between Minnesota and Lake Michigan.
Wisconsin a midwestern U.S. state between Minnesota and Lake Michigan. (abbr.: WI)