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giardia any parasitic protozoan of the genus Giardia that colonizes the intestines of humans and other vertebrates and may cause diarrhea and other digestive problems.
giardiasis infection of the intestines by any parasitic protozoan of the genus Giardia associated with diarrhea, abdominal pain, and weight loss.
hemoflagellate a flagellate protozoan that is a parasite in the blood.
microorganism any microscopic life form such as a bacterium, protozoan, or virus.
monad a single-celled organism, esp. a simple type of flagellated protozoan. [1/3 definitions]
radiolarian any small marine protozoan having an amoebalike body encased in a silica skeleton.
rhizopod a protozoan such as the amoeba that moves and takes in food by means of pseudopodia.