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adieu good-bye; farewell. [1/2 definitions]
adios good-bye; farewell.
ave good-bye!; farewell! (used mainly in literature). [2/4 definitions]
bonsoir (French) good evening (used as a greeting or farewell).
bye-bye (informal) farewell; good-bye.
ciao (Italian) used as an expression of greeting or farewell.
congé a farewell or departure. [1/4 definitions]
farewell a party or celebration marking a departure, usu. in honor of those departing; farewell party. [1/5 definitions]
goodbye an expression of farewell, or the act of saying farewell. [1/2 definitions]
good day used as expression of greeting or farewell in the daytime.
good morning used as an expression of greeting or farewell in the morning.
good night used as an expression of farewell at night.
leave2 the act of leaving; farewell; departure (often prec. by "take"). [1/3 definitions]
leave-taking a parting or farewell; departure.
sayonara (Japanese) good-bye; farewell.
shalom peace (Hebrew); used among Jews as a greeting and farewell.
so long (informal) good-bye; farewell.
stirrup cup a farewell drink, esp. for a mounted rider about to depart.
vale2 (Latin) farewell; good-bye.
valediction the act of saying farewell. [3 definitions]
valedictory on or pertaining to an occasion of saying farewell. [2 definitions]