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anaphora the repeating of a word or phrase at the beginnings of several successive sentences, paragraphs, or the like.
century one of successive periods of one hundred years, usu. counted before or after the birth of Jesus Christ. [1/2 definitions]
couplet two successive lines of poetry that usu. rhyme and have the same meter, and often form a single unit of meaning.
day the period between sunrise and sunset or between two successive nights. [2/5 definitions]
deuce1 in tennis and other racket sports, a tie score that requires either side to win two successive points in order to win the game. [1/2 definitions]
distich two successive lines of verse, usu. forming a self-contained statement; couplet.
exogenous in botany, of or pertaining to a process of growing in diameter by addition of successive layers under the bark; cambial. [1/2 definitions]
graduated arranged in successive stages. [1/2 definitions]
heirloom an object passed down to successive generations of a family.
heterogamous characterized by alternating sexual and asexual reproduction in successive generations. [1/3 definitions]
hierarchy a group of ecclesiastical officials in successive rank. [1/4 definitions]
increment one of several successive increases or movements forward. [1/3 definitions]
installment1 one of the successive parts in which something is paid, written, or supplied at regular intervals.
metamorphosis the developmental changes in living organisms, such as the successive stages from caterpillar to butterfly or from tadpole to frog. [1/3 definitions]
miniseries a dramatic television production that is presented in installments, usu. on successive nights.
multistage operating in successive stages, as a rocket or missile.
rotation of crops a system planting different crops in a fixed, repeated order in the same field so that each successive crop restores soil nutrients that were absorbed by the previous one.
scale3 a series of successive steps or degrees. [1/10 definitions]
stream a continuous or successive flow of anything. [1/10 definitions]
week a unit of time equal to seven successive days, usu. beginning Sunday and ending Saturday. [2/3 definitions]