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Dictionary Suite
blue depressed; melancholy. [1/8 definitions]
bring down (informal) to make (someone) depressed. [1/3 definitions]
chapfallen depressed or discouraged.
crestfallen downcast or depressed; dejected.
deflation the action or condition of collapsing or being collapsed or depressed, as by release of contained air. [1/2 definitions]
dejected having or exhibiting low spirits; discouraged, disheartened, or depressed.
despondent low in spirits; unhappy, depressed, or dejected.
dispirited having low spirits; discouraged; depressed.
down1 depressed or sorrowful. [1/21 definitions]
downcast depressed or sad. [1/2 definitions]
downhearted sad or depressed; dejected.
down in the mouth depressed; sad.
dumpy1 unhappy or depressed.
funky1 dejected; depressed. [1/2 definitions]
get down to become depressed. [2/7 definitions]
giveback a reduction in workers' salaries, benefits, or rights agreed to by a union during labor negotiations in exchange for some other concession by management or in recognition of depressed economic conditions.
gloom to look, feel, or act sad, sullen, melancholy, or depressed. [1/5 definitions]
grump (usu. pl.) a sulky or depressed mood. [1/3 definitions]
heartsick extremely depressed, disappointed, or sad.
heavy depressed or very sad. [1/10 definitions]
heavy-hearted burdened by sadness; depressed; dejected; melancholy.