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at last after a long time or wait; finally.
at length at last; finally. [1/2 definitions]
bullfight a ceremonial sport practiced esp. in Spain and Mexico in which banderilleros and picadors first goad and tire a specially bred bull, and then a matador with a cape and sword provokes the bull into charging him several times, and finally kills it.
determine to decide or settle (a question, controversy, or the like) finally and authoritatively. [1/6 definitions]
Euphrates River a river that flows from eastern Turkey through Syria and Iraq. In southeastern Iraq, it joins the Tigris River and finally empties with it into the Persian Gulf.
eventually at an indefinite time in the future; ultimately; finally.
have it out with to finally have an argument or fight with someone that one has been considering having for some time.
inchoative in grammar, of or denoting a verb or verb form that indicates the beginning of an action or state, as "got working" in "It finally got working"; inceptive. [1/2 definitions]
lastly in conclusion; finally.
Niger River a long river in western Africa that begins in Guinea and flows through Mali and Niger. It then flows along the border between Niger and Benin, through Nigeria, and finally into the Atlantic Ocean.
Orinoco River a major river of South America that starts near the Venezuelan border with Brazil, flows across Venezuela, then along the border with Colombia, and finally empties into the Atlantic Ocean.
Paraguay River a large river in South America that begins in southwestern Brazil, flows through Paraguay and along its border with Argentina, finally joining the Paraná River at the southwestern tip of Paraguay.
seal1 to decide or determine certainly and finally. [1/10 definitions]
settle1 to finally agree upon or resolve. [1/13 definitions]
ultimately at the farthest or last point in a progression; finally; in the end.