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Dictionary Suite
accurately with accuracy; correctly; precisely.
approximate very close in accuracy; nearly exact or correct. [1/6 definitions]
approximation a mathematical or scientific result that is within acceptable limits of accuracy. [1/3 definitions]
audit an often official examination of records or financial accounts to check their accuracy, or the report of such an examination. [3/4 definitions]
certify to affirm the accuracy or certainty of, esp. in a formal manner; confirm. [2/5 definitions]
confirmed verified as to accuracy or truth. [1/3 definitions]
double-check a second examination or check made to verify the accuracy of a first check. [1/2 definitions]
exactly with absolute precision or accuracy. [1/3 definitions]
fact checker someone whose job it is to verify the accuracy of facts in a text before publication.
fidelity accuracy and truthfulness; faithfulness to fact and detail. [2/3 definitions]
half-truth a partially true or correct statement, esp. one that intentionally omits facts essential for full truthfulness or accuracy, or includes some untruths.
margin an amount allowed beyond what is considered necessary, so as to provide for profit, safety, accuracy, or the like. [1/9 definitions]
micrometer caliper a precision caliper with a spindle that is moved by a micrometer screw, used for measuring minute distances with extreme accuracy.
on a dime (informal) with great quickness, precision, or accuracy.
pinpoint to find or define with complete accuracy. [1/3 definitions]
precisely with total accuracy; exactly.
rectitude accuracy or rightness of judgment; correctness. [1/3 definitions]
regulate to adjust in order to assure accuracy of operation. [1/3 definitions]
rifle1 a firearm with a long barrel having spiral grooves inside designed to increase the accuracy of a shot. [1/4 definitions]
rigor strict or scrupulous accuracy; precision; exactness. [1/6 definitions]
set to adjust for proper operation or accuracy. [1/25 definitions]