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chase2 a furrow or groove; slot. [1/2 definitions]
drill2 a furrow in the ground made for planting seeds. [1/5 definitions]
flute an indentation, groove, or furrow, as in pleated cloth or along the edge of a pie crust. [1/8 definitions]
furrow to make a furrow or become furrowed. [1/4 definitions]
groove a long narrow furrow or indentation in a surface. [1/7 definitions]
gutter a furrow or trough hollowed out by running water. [1/10 definitions]
rut1 a furrow or groove worn into the ground by something such as a wheeled vehicle. [1/3 definitions]
seam to mark with a line, wrinkle, or furrow. [1/6 definitions]
striate to mark with striae or stripes; streak; furrow. [1/2 definitions]
trench a deep, narrow excavation or furrow; ditch. [1/8 definitions]