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helter-skelter in a disorderly, haphazard manner. [2/5 definitions]
inconsequent random or haphazard. [1/4 definitions]
indiscriminate not planned or organized; haphazard or jumbled. [1/2 definitions]
jerry-build to construct or develop a system, plan, organization, or the like in a haphazard, careless, or thoughtless manner. [1/2 definitions]
jerry-built constructed or developed in a haphazard, careless, or thoughtless manner. [1/2 definitions]
poke around to look through things or search for something, especially in a casual, haphazard, or secretive manner.
scratchy having or seeming to have scratches; rough, unfinished, uneven, or haphazard. [1/3 definitions]
slapdash hasty and haphazard. [1/2 definitions]
tumble to move or proceed in a hurried, confused, or haphazard manner. [2/16 definitions]
undiscriminating made or done without discriminating; haphazard; broad-scale; indiscriminate. [1/2 definitions]