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amble to walk at an easy, leisurely pace; stroll. [2 definitions]
a piece of cake (informal) something extremely easy to do or accomplish.
bed of roses a condition or situation that is comfortable, easy, or luxurious.
cakewalk something considered to be easy to accomplish or win. [1/5 definitions]
chill out to be relaxed or at leisure; take it easy. [1/2 definitions]
cinch (informal) something simple or easy to do. [1/6 definitions]
clipsheet a sheet of paper containing news articles, features, or releases, printed on one side for easy clipping and reprinting.
cocktail table a low table, usu. placed in living rooms within easy reach of surrounding seats, on which drinks and refreshments can be set; coffee table.
compactor a machine that compresses or grinds up trash for easy disposal.
conversable easy to talk with; affable. [1/2 definitions]
delicate easy to break or hurt; fragile; dainty. [1/7 definitions]
dexterity grace and easy quickness in using the hands or body; skill. [1/2 definitions]
docile obedient and easy to manage. [2 definitions]
downhill requiring little effort; easy. [1/5 definitions]
easiness the condition of being easy.
effortless requiring or appearing to require little or no effort; easy.
enable to make possible, feasible, or easy. [1/2 definitions]
erase to allow easy erasing. [1/4 definitions]
expansive of a person, open and easy with others. [1/4 definitions]
facile acting or working in an easy, effortless manner. [1/3 definitions]
foldaway folding to a compact size for easy storage when not in use, as a cot, light table, or chair.