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adenovirus any of a group of viruses that causes disease of the upper respiratory tract.
alimentary canal the body passage into which food is ingested and in which it is digested; passage from the mouth to the anus; digestive tract.
aspirate to inhale (fluid) into the respiratory tract. [1/5 definitions]
carcinoid a small tumor that secretes serotonin, found esp. in the gastrointestinal tract or lung.
chapbook a small book or pamphlet containing a ballad, poem, popular tale, or religious tract.
clostridium any of a genus of spore-forming, anaerobic bacteria, Clostridium, that inhabits soil or the intestinal tract of humans.
endoderm the inner layer of cells of an embryo, which develops into the linings of the digestive tract, certain glands, and other internal organs.
endometriosis the abnormal growth of uterine tissue in other areas of the vaginal tract or on the ovaries.
enterovirus a genus of virus that can cause disease in human and other mammals. Infection typically begins in the gastrointestinal tract and can spread to other areas, including the nervous system.
entrails the inner organs of a human or other animal, esp. the intestinal tract. [1/2 definitions]
everglade a tract of swampland, esp. in Florida, having interlaced waterways and usu. dense stands of tall marsh grasses.
expectorant promoting the discharge of phlegm from the respiratory tract. [1/2 definitions]
expectorate to spit, or to clear the respiratory tract by spitting out matter clogging it. [1/2 definitions]
farm a tract of land or quantity of water used to raise crops or animals. [1/5 definitions]
fen1 a low-lying, marshy tract of land; bog.
flatulent tending to generate gas in the digestive tract. [2/3 definitions]
flatus gas formed in the intestinal tract that may be expelled through the anus.
forestland a tract of land covered by a forest.
gizzard an enlarged, muscular portion of the digestive tract of birds in which partially digested food is finely ground with the aid of abrasive particles. [1/2 definitions]
glanders (used with a sing. verb) a contagious disease of horses, mules, and the like that is communicable to humans and is characterized by a mucous discharge from the nostrils and ulcers or swellings in the respiratory tract and lymph nodes.
gonorrhea a contagious venereal disease, involving inflammation of the genital organs and urinary tract, transmitted mainly by sexual intercourse.