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Bessemer process a process for making steel by blasting hot compressed air through molten pig iron to remove impurities.
continental drift the theory that the earth's continents shift their positions because of currents in the molten magma of the earth's mantle.
die casting the process of forcing molten metal into a metallic mold under pressure to make castings. [1/2 definitions]
extravasate to cause (molten lava) to flow forth from an underground source. [2/4 definitions]
glass blowing the art or process of shaping glass by blowing air through a tube that holds a mass of molten glass at one end.
igneous pertaining to rocks or geological formations produced by solidification of molten rock. [1/2 definitions]
lava molten rock erupting from a volcano or volcanic fissure. [2 definitions]
magnetohydrodynamics (used with a sing. verb) the branch of physics concerned with the behavior of electrically conductive fluids, such as ionized gas or molten metal, in a magnetic field.
mineral wool a wool-like material made of molten rock, slag, or glass, and used as insulation.
mold1 a hollow form used to give a particular shape to a soft or molten substance that is poured into it and allowed to harden. [1/10 definitions]
rabble2 a tool or device used in a furnace to stir or mix molten metals or to skim off impurities. [2 definitions]
sand-cast to produce (a casting) by pouring molten metal into a mold made of sand.
solder any of various alloys, usu. of lead and tin, that may be applied in a molten state to the juncture of metal edges to make a connection. [2/5 definitions]
volcano a vent in the earth's crust through which molten rock, ash, gases, and the like are expelled. [1/2 definitions]
weld to fuse metal or plastic by the application of heat, followed either by pressure or by addition of a molten filler material. [1/5 definitions]