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alchemy an ancient exploration and practice of chemistry which flourished particularly during medieval times. Practitioners used chemical processes in the hope of, for example, producing gold from base metals, finding the key to eternal life, and uncovering a single cure for all disease. [1/2 definitions]
aquanaut a person who lives in an undersea dwelling, esp. for purposes of scientific exploration and study.
dig an archaeological exploration accomplished by digging. [1/8 definitions]
explorative exploratory; related to, inclined to, or for the purpose of exploration.
exploratory related to, inclined to, or for the purpose of exploration.
fieldwork scientific research, exploration, or observation conducted in the field rather than the laboratory or classroom. [1/2 definitions]
frontier (sometimes pl.) the outer or furthest reaches, as of settlement, exploration, or knowledge. [1/3 definitions]
mission an individual or a team of people whose goal is to explore and gather information about a new territory or part of outer space, or a particular instance of travel and exploration by such people. [1/7 definitions]
reconnoiter to make a preliminary exploration of major features, hazards, and the like in an area. [1/2 definitions]
Space Age (often l.c.) the period characterized by the exploration of space by manned and unmanned spacecraft, regarded as having begun on October 4, 1957, with the launching of the first sputnik.
speleology the scientific exploration, examination, and study of caves.
voyage (often pl.) a written account or record of travel involving exploration or discovery. [1/4 definitions]