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Dictionary Suite
accompaniment something added for purposes of embellishment or completeness. [1/2 definitions]
decoration something serving to decorate or beautify; embellishment; ornament. [1/3 definitions]
embroidery the embellishment of a tale or report, esp. with fictitious details. [1/2 definitions]
garniture a decorative embellishment; trimming.
illumination the act or art of ornamenting a letter, page, or the like with designs, color, pictures, or the like, or an example of such embellishment. [1/4 definitions]
lard to add to (something) for enrichment or embellishment. [1/4 definitions]
mordent in music, an embellishment of a note in which the principal tone is rapidly alternated with a whole or half tone below it. [2 definitions]
ornamentation ornaments collectively; embellishment. [1/2 definitions]