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adhesive bandage a small piece of cloth or plastic with a sticky material on one side. You use an adhesive bandage to cover a wound and keep it clean.
antiseptic exceedingly clean and orderly. [1/4 definitions]
apron a piece of clothing that covers the front of the body. An apron is worn to keep clothes clean.
bath the act of washing or soaking something in order to clean, refresh, or heal. [1/3 definitions]
bream2 to clean (a ship's hull) of barnacles and other matter by applying heat and scraping.
brush1 to use a brush to clean one's teeth or groom one's hair. [1/8 definitions]
buff1 to clean or polish with a buff. [1/4 definitions]
burnsides a mustache and side whiskers worn with the chin clean-shaven. (See sideburns.)
card2 to clean or comb (fibers) with a card. [1/2 definitions]
careen to clean or repair (a ship lying on its side). [1/5 definitions]
chambermaid a woman whose job is to clean and straighten hotel rooms or bedrooms.
chimney sweep one whose work is to clean out chimneys.
cholesterol a white substance, found in the tissues of humans and animals, which acts to clean the bloodstream and surrounds certain nerves. Cholesterol is made in the body but can also be obtained from animal foods such as meat and cheese.
clean to remove dirt or stains from; make clean. [1/2 definitions]
cleanable combined form of clean.
cleanliness the condition of being clean, or not dirty; the habit of always keeping clean.
cleanly always personally clean. [2 definitions]
clean out to clean (something) by removing many unwanted things, or to empty completely. [1/2 definitions]
cleanse to make clean or pure.
cleanup a process of making thoroughly clean, socially acceptable, or free from imperfection.
clean up to wash or clean.