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actually as a matter of fact; really. [1/2 definitions]
bluff2 in poker, to attempt to lead opponents into believing that one's hand is stronger than it really is by betting heavily on it, or that one's hand is weaker than it really is by betting very little on it. [2/6 definitions]
for real (informal) real or really; actual or actually.
greenwash to present one's business enterprise as being more concerned about the preservation of the environment than it really is.
greenwashing the practice of presenting one's business enterprise as being more concerned about the preservation of the environment than it really is.
in fact in reality; really; truly; indeed.
just really; certainly. [1/12 definitions]
literally without exaggeration; in complete truth; really. [1/2 definitions]
make a mountain out of a molehill to imagine something to be much more significant or more of a problem than it really is.
quite actually; really. [1/3 definitions]
skeptic one who doubts the possibility of really knowing anything, esp. a member of the ancient Greek school that adopted this view as a philosophy. [1/3 definitions]
swell (informal) really fine; excellent; great. [1/19 definitions]
wishful thinking the interpretation of facts, actions, words, and the like in accordance with the meanings a person would like them to have rather than in terms of what they really are.