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ablative1 denoting a grammatical case in some inflected languages that indicates direction or place, time, manner, or agency. [1/3 definitions]
acacia any of several tropical trees of the mimosa family, some of which produce the commercially useful gum arabic. [1/2 definitions]
account a statement of the causes or reasons behind some action, event, or phenomenon. [2/16 definitions]
adjoining touching at some line or point; having a common wall, border, or the like; contiguous.
after following the passage of some time; later. [1/12 definitions]
aftereffect an effect that follows its cause after some period of time, such as a delayed effect caused by a medicine or exposure to chemicals.
agitation the stirring up of public unrest or controversy over some social or political issue. [1/3 definitions]
air bag a bag in the front of some automobile interiors that inflates automatically in a collision and prevents the passengers from being thrust forward.
alb a full-length linen robe worn by some Christian priests at the Eucharist.
alderman a member of the lawmaking body of some cities and towns; councilman or councilwoman.
alkali a soluble salt found in some soil composition, making it unfit for agriculture. [1/2 definitions]
alleged claimed, usually with some amount of evidence, to be as described, although not proven so.
allocate to assign or set aside (money or other resources) for some specific use. [1/2 definitions]
allometry the growth rate of part of an organism in comparison with the growth rate of the entire organism or some other part of it. [1/2 definitions]
allotropy the existence of some chemical elements in more than one structural form.
alloy to degrade the purity of by the addition of some element; adulterate. [1/5 definitions]
All Saints' Day in some Christian churches, a festival on November 1 that celebrates all the saints; Allhallows.
All Souls' Day in some Christian churches, a day of prayer for the dead, usu. on November 2.
ally to associate by some common factor, such as mutual interest or similarity. [1/5 definitions]
alpha particle a positively charged particle given off as radiation from some fission or decay processes, consisting of two protons and two neutrons.
altruist a person who feels unselfish concern for the well-being of others and acts upon this concern in some way.