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Dictionary Suite
ed. abbreviation of "editor," "edited," or "edition." [1/2 definitions]
extra an edition of a newspaper that is added to a regular publication schedule. [1/8 definitions]
Hoyle a popular instruction and rule book, esp. for card games, the first edition of which was written by Edmond Hoyle in the eighteenth century.
Jerusalem Bible an English language edition of the Bible, translated from the French, that was published in 1966 and is used esp. by Roman Catholics.
limited edition an edition of a book, plate, doll, or other collector's item of which only a specified number of copies are made.
New American Bible an English language edition Bible, published in 1970, that is approved for use by Roman Catholics.
revise to improve or correct a new edition of (a book or text). [1/3 definitions]
special an extra edition of a newspaper. [1/9 definitions]
trade edition an edition of a book sold or distributed to general readers, as opposed to an edition for special audiences; trade book.
variorum a variorum text or edition. [1/3 definitions]