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African National Congress South African political party founded in 1912, whose struggle to establish majority rule and eliminate apartheid led to the establishment in 1994 of South Africa's first multi-racial, democratically-elected government.
ANC abbreviation of "African National Congress," South African political party founded in 1912, whose struggle to establish majority rule and eliminate apartheid led to the establishment in 1994 of South Africa's first multi-racial, democratically-elected government.
Chocolate Tang any member of a species of fishes found in the tropical waters of Southeast Asia which are yellow as a juvenile and become primarily gray and brown with multi-colored accents as an adult, also called Lemon Peel Mimic.
Himeji Castle a complex of buildings, with towers and multi-layered roofs, built around 1600 on Mt. Hime in Hyogo Prefecture, Japan.
Nathaniel "Sweetwater" Clifton U.S. multi-sport athlete, who played with the Harlem Globetrotters prior to becoming the first African American to sign a contract to play in the National Basketball Association (1950) (b.1922--d.1990).
onyx a kind of banded multi-colored quartz, used as a semiprecious stone. [1/2 definitions]
superhighway a large, multi-laned, usu. divided roadway designed for cars traveling at high speeds; expressway; freeway; turnpike.