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continental drift the theory that the earth's continents shift their positions because of currents in the molten magma of the earth's mantle.
Mohorovicic discontinuity the irregular jointure of the earth's crust with the layer of mantle rock beneath it, positioned nearly twenty-two miles beneath the continental land masses and from three to six miles beneath the ocean floor.
plate a tectonic plate, any of the several segments of Earth's crust and upper mantle that move in relation to one another causing such phenomena as continental drift and volcanic eruptions. [1/10 definitions]
subduction the process by which a lithospheric plate moves sideways and downward into the mantle beneath a neighboring plate.
tectonic plate any of the several segments of Earth's crust and upper mantle that move in relation to one another causing such phenomena as continental drift and volcanic eruptions.
tunicate having a mantle or tunic. [1/3 definitions]