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Dictionary Suite
abate to become less in amount, degree, or intensity; subside. [2/3 definitions]
abound to be found or available in a large amount or number. [1/2 definitions]
abundance an amount that is more than enough; a very plentiful quantity. [1/2 definitions]
abundant large in amount or number; plentiful. [1/2 definitions]
access time the amount of time needed for a computer to retrieve or store data.
account payable an amount owed to a creditor by a business, usu. for goods and services received.
account receivable an amount owed to a business by a debtor, usu. for goods and services received.
accrual a quantity or amount that accrues. [1/2 definitions]
acre (pl.) a large amount of land, or land in general. [1/2 definitions]
a drop in the bucket a small amount compared to what is needed.
again in addition to the other amount being compared with. [1/5 definitions]
-age rate; amount; charge. [1/5 definitions]
a little a small amount of something (used when the amount, though small, is nonetheless significant). [2/5 definitions]
all the total amount, extent, or number; every one. [1/12 definitions]
alleged claimed, usually with some amount of evidence, to be as described, although not proven so.
allot to designate (an amount) to be used or given out. [1/2 definitions]
allow to provide or set aside (a certain amount). [1/5 definitions]
amass to gather or collect into a large amount. [1/3 definitions]
ample sufficient or more than sufficient in size, capacity, or amount.
amt. abbreviation of "amount," the sum of two or more quantities; total.
an arm and a leg (informal) a very large amount of money, in the speaker's opinion.