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abstract expressionism (sometimes cap.) a school of painting that arose after World War II and that was marked by expressive but nonrepresentational images formed by an apparently random and often unconventional application of paint.
alternative nontraditional or unconventional. [1/5 definitions]
avant-garde a group that actively experiments with and applies new and unconventional techniques, esp. in the arts; vanguard. [1/3 definitions]
Bohemian (often l.c.) a person, such as a writer, artist, or other intellectual, whose lifestyle is unconventional. [1/6 definitions]
daring adventuresomely unconventional or astonishing. [1/4 definitions]
eccentric not adhering to the recognized or accepted manner, behavior, or thinking; unconventional; peculiar. [2/5 definitions]
enfant terrible (French) an unconventional, outrageous, irritating person whose behavior or ideas shock and offend. [1/2 definitions]
expressionism a movement in the arts of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries that emphasized the artist's subjective experience or perceptions, expressed through symbolic and often distorted or unconventional treatment of material.
guerrilla one of an unofficial or loosely organized group of soldiers who stage unconventional or surprise attacks against an enemy.
hippie someone, esp. of the late 1960s, who rejects the established values of contemporary society, and who demonstrates that rejection through unconventional dress and behavior, and by advocating pacifism and communal living. (See flower child.)
jug band a small musical group that includes unconventional or makeshift instruments such as kazoos, washboards, and empty jugs.
mod of or relating to an unconventional style of dress in the 1960s in Great Britain, involving bold modern designs such as miniskirts. [2/3 definitions]
oddball (informal) a person or thing that is unconventional or eccentric. [1/2 definitions]
offbeat unusual or unconventional. [1/2 definitions]
outré (French) unconventional or improper.
raffish carelessly unconventional or disreputable, sometimes appealingly so. [1/2 definitions]
uninhibited not bound by social constraints or customs; acting, speaking, or living in an unconventional manner. [1/2 definitions]
way-out (informal) very unusual or extreme; unconventional; nonconformist.
weird strange, odd, or unconventional; puzzlingly unusual. [1/2 definitions]