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amusing able to amuse, divert, or entertain. [1/2 definitions]
clown to perform as a clown or seek to amuse others through comical, prankish behavior (sometimes fol. by "around"). [1/4 definitions]
disport to amuse (oneself). [1/4 definitions]
divert to draw away from serious matters; amuse. [1/4 definitions]
entertain to occupy pleasantly; amuse. [1/5 definitions]
fracture (slang) to amuse deeply. [1/7 definitions]
goof around (informal) to amuse oneself, esp. by doing silly or frivolous things.
impression a performance, usually meant to amuse, in which someone imitates another person, esp. a celebrity or other well-known person. [1/6 definitions]
peekaboo a game to amuse very young children in which one hides the face behind the hands or some object and then suddenly reveals it, crying out, "Peekaboo"!
put-on (informal) a deception done to amuse or tease; hoax. [1/3 definitions]
spiel (informal) a usu. rehearsed talk or speech that is used to sell, persuade, or amuse.
sport to amuse oneself through recreation or other activity; play. [1/10 definitions]
tickle to stimulate agreeably, or to amuse. [1/6 definitions]
trifle to toy or amuse oneself with something or someone. [1/6 definitions]