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Brazilian wandering spider any of a family of highly venomous, quick-moving, and aggressive spiders native to the rainforests of Brazil, also known as the banana spider for the frequency with which members of this family are found in bunches of bananas.
cobra any of several venomous snakes of Asia and Africa that rear up and flatten the skin of the neck when threatened. [1/2 definitions]
copperhead a venomous snake of the southeastern United States having a copper-colored body with darker bands. [1/2 definitions]
fang a long pointed tooth, such as the canine tooth of carnivorous animals or the hollow, grooved tooth by which a venomous snake injects its poison. [2/3 definitions]
fer-de-lance a large, venomous snake of Central and South America.
krait any of several venomous snakes of southeastern Asia, having black or brown skin covered with yellow bands.
lionfish any of various marine fishes that have fan-like fins and venomous dorsal spines.
mongoose one of a variety of ferretlike carnivorous mammals of Asia renowned for the ability to kill venomous snakes.
nonvenomous combined form of venomous.
poisonous full of malice; vicious; venomous. [1/3 definitions]
rattlesnake a venomous snake found in North, Central, and South America. A rattlesnake has a structure at the end of its tail that makes a rattling sound when the snake shakes it.
scorpion any of several small animals related to the spider that have a long, narrow body and a segmented tail with a venomous tip. [1/2 definitions]
snakebite the bite of a snake, esp. a venomous one, or the effects it produces.
snake charmer an entertainer who controls snakes, esp. venomous ones, by rhythmic music and bodily movements.
stingray any of a variety of rays having a long whiplike tail on which is a venomous spine that can inflict severe wounds.
venomous producing a fluid, called venom, that is a poison to humans and animals. A venomous animal, such as a venomous snake or scorpion, produces venom that the animal can put into another animal or human with its bite or sting.
viper any of various venomous snakes, often characterized by erectile fangs. [1/3 definitions]
viperous of, like, or suggestive of a venomous snake or viper; spiteful; malicious.
water moccasin a venomous snake found in swamps or wet areas of the southern United States. The water moccasin is brown or olive in color and shows the white inside of its mouth when threatened.