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Dictionary Suite
alert keenly attentive or responsive; quick to perceive. [1/3 definitions]
broadband pertaining to, emitting, or responsive to a wide range of radio frequencies. [1/2 definitions]
hyperresponsive combined form of responsive.
irritable very sensitive or responsive to physical stimulation; susceptible to irritation. [1/2 definitions]
nonresponsive combined form of responsive.
reflex reactive or responsive. [1/7 definitions]
responsory a responsive verse or set of verses spoken or sung in a church service.
sensitive very responsive to and affected by sense impressions. [4/7 definitions]
sensitivity the quality of being acutely responsive mentally or emotionally. [1/3 definitions]
slow not quickly responsive. [1/10 definitions]
stony showing no emotions; not responsive or expressive. [1/4 definitions]
supersensitive delicately contrived or balanced, as a mechanism; extremely responsive. [1/2 definitions]
unresponsive combined form of responsive.