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Dictionary Suite
contretemps an embarrassing or unfortunate happening; mishap; mischance.
hapless not favored by chance; unlucky; unfortunate.
infelicitous inappropriate or unfortunate; inopportune.
lamentable deserving to be lamented; deplorable; unfortunate; disappointing.
mischance an unfortunate incident; accident or mishap.
misfortune an instance of bad luck; unfortunate occurrence. [1/2 definitions]
mishap an unlucky or unfortunate happening; accident.
poor unfortunate or unlucky (used to express sympathy). [1/7 definitions]
silver lining an aspect of positive encouragement in an otherwise gloomy or unfortunate circumstance.
tough (informal) bad; unfortunate. [1/10 definitions]
unhappy causing unpleasant results; unfortunate. [1/4 definitions]
untoward unexpected and unfortunate. [1/2 definitions]
wretch one who is desperately poor, unhappy, or unfortunate. [1/2 definitions]
wretched miserable, unhappy, or unfortunate. [1/4 definitions]