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anchorite one who has withdrawn into seclusion for religious reasons or purposes; hermit.
claustral of or related to a cloister, or to seclusion from the world.
cloister any place of seclusion. [1/4 definitions]
hibernate to be inactive or in seclusion. [1/2 definitions]
hibernation any state of inactivity and seclusion. [1/3 definitions]
monastery a community of persons, esp. monks, who have taken religious vows of austerity and seclusion, or the buildings used by such a community for housing and worship.
monastic one who makes a religious vow to live in austerity and seclusion. [1/3 definitions]
nest a comfortable place for seclusion or retreat. [1/11 definitions]
recluse separate from society; in seclusion. [1/2 definitions]
retire to withdraw to seek shelter or seclusion. [1/7 definitions]
retirement retreat into seclusion or privacy, or such privacy and seclusion itself. [1/5 definitions]
retreat to retire to a shelter or place of seclusion. [1/8 definitions]
troglodyte a person who lives similarly to a cave dweller, as in seclusion or in a primitive or crude state; hermit; recluse. [1/2 definitions]