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apprehend to be anxious or fearful about (a future event). [1/4 definitions]
creep (informal, pl.) a feeling of uneasiness or loathing as if in reaction to something fearful crawling over one's skin (prec. by "the"). [1/12 definitions]
frighten to make fearful or terrified. [1/2 definitions]
funk1 a cowardly or fearful mood; fright. [1/5 definitions]
funky1 fearful; terrified. [1/2 definitions]
God-fearing fearful and respectful of God. [1/2 definitions]
intimidation the act of making another fearful by means of threats or other shows of power.
jealous Fearful of losing someone's affection, or of losing one's preferential position, to someone else. [1/5 definitions]
misgive to be doubtful, fearful, or suspicious. [1/2 definitions]
nervous being apprehensive or fearful in a specific situation. [1/4 definitions]
timid hesitant to face danger or difficulties; fearful. [1/2 definitions]
timorous showing or marked by fear; fearful; timid.
tremulous timid, anxious, or fearful. [1/3 definitions]