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Black Shirt a member of a fascist military organization, esp. the former Italian one, whose uniform includes a black shirt.
bodysuit a snug, one-piece garment, with or without sleeves, that covers the torso and serves as a shirt.
cuff1 a folded over and usu. sewn piece of material at the end of a shirt sleeve or pants leg, serving as trimming. [1/4 definitions]
dashiki a loose, often brightly-colored tunic or pullover shirt of African origin.
dickey an insert worn, as under a jacket or the like, to simulate a shirt front. [1/5 definitions]
French cuff a wide cuff on the sleeve of a shirt or blouse that is folded back and fastened with a cuff link.
garter a circular elastic band used to hold up a stocking or shirt sleeve. [1/3 definitions]
hair shirt a coarse haircloth shirt or shift worn next to the skin as penance.
jabot a decorative ruffle on the front of a blouse or shirt that hangs down from the neck, formerly worn by men and now worn mostly by women.
jersey a pullover knitted shirt, as is often worn by athletes. [1/3 definitions]
jumper2 a sleeveless dress worn over a shirt or blouse. [1/4 definitions]
necktie a strip of fabric worn around the neck, usu. by men, under the collar of a shirt and knotted at the throat.
nightshirt a long loose shirt worn in bed.
overdress a dress worn over another shirt or dress; jumper; pinafore. [1/2 definitions]
pinafore (chiefly British) a sleeveless dress worn over a blouse or shirt; jumper. [1/2 definitions]
plastron the decorative front of a shirt or garment, such as a man's formal dress shirt or the trimming on a woman's bodice. [1/3 definitions]
polo shirt a pullover sport shirt of knitted cotton or a cotton blend, usu. having a soft collar and a button placket.
rabat a plain, black, false shirt front worn with a clerical collar by some clergymen.
shirtless combined form of shirt.
shirttail the portion of a shirt below the waistline, esp. in the back. [1/2 definitions]
shirtwaist a dress or blouse for a woman, resembling a man's tailored shirt with a collar and front opening.