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Adventist an adherent of any of several Christian denominations that believe in the imminent second coming of Jesus Christ.
Cartesian an adherent of Descartes' philosophy or methodology. [1/2 definitions]
disciple a pupil, adherent, or follower. [1/2 definitions]
follower a student, disciple, or adherent of the teachings or ideas of another. [1/4 definitions]
gnostic (cap.) an adherent of Gnosticism. [1/3 definitions]
Hindu an adherent of Hinduism. [1/3 definitions]
Malthusian an adherent of the theories of Malthus. [1/2 definitions]
Manichaean an adherent of Manichaeism. [1/2 definitions]
Muhammadan an adherent of Islam; Muslim. [1/2 definitions]
Muslim an adherent of Islam. [1/3 definitions]
proselyte one who has newly become an adherent of a creed, doctrine, or the like, esp. of a religion; convert. [1/2 definitions]
romantic (often cap.) an adherent or practitioner of the Romantic movement in the arts. [1/8 definitions]
Roundhead an adherent of the Parliamentary or Puritan party during the English civil war in the seventeenth century.
stoic (cap.) an adherent of an ancient Greek school of philosophy that advocated not being overly moved by the inevitable fortunes and misfortunes of life. [1/4 definitions]
Zoroastrian an adherent of Zoroastrianism. [1/2 definitions]