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flambeau a lit torch. [1/2 definitions]
gas mantle an incombustible meshwork hood for a gas jet or kerosene wick that gives off a brilliant incandescent light when a flame is lit within it.
go out to stop burning or being lit. [1/6 definitions]
hotfoot a practical joke in which a match is secretly placed between the sole and upper of someone's shoe and is lit. [1/3 definitions]
lightsome2 well-lighted; brightly lit; illuminated. [1/2 definitions]
mixed metaphor a combination of two or more metaphors with an inconsistent or nonsensical result or effect, such as, "He lit a fire that would soon bear fruit".
pilot lamp a small electric light that indicates, when lit, that current is flowing in an electric circuit. [1/2 definitions]
scrim a curtain of such fabric used in the theater to create an apparently solid wall that becomes transparent when lit from behind. [1/2 definitions]
smoke to inhale and exhale from a lit cigarette, cigar, pipe, or the like. [2/12 definitions]
squib a small firecracker that when lit produces a hissing noise followed by a slight explosion. [1/4 definitions]
starlit lit by light from the stars.
sunshine a place lit and warmed by the sun. [1/4 definitions]
terminator the dividing line between lit and unlit zones on a planet or moon. [1/2 definitions]
unlit combined form of lit.