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blood poisoning the presence and persistence in the blood of impurities or toxins; septicemia; toxemia.
hammer to work away at something with effort or persistence, as if by repeated pounding. [1/14 definitions]
high-pressure attempting to persuade, as to a purchase, by intimidation and persistence. [3/4 definitions]
infantilism an abnormal condition of an adult marked by the persistence of immature mental and physical development and behavior, including lack of sexual maturation. [1/2 definitions]
keep at continue one's persistence with (some activity).
low-pressure lacking or not requiring persistence, energy, or vigor. [1/3 definitions]
patience steady perseverance; persistence. [1/3 definitions]
stick-to-itiveness (informal) unremitting perseverance or persistence.
wrest to extract by effort and persistence. [1/3 definitions]