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Dictionary Suite
bastille a prison or jail. [1/2 definitions]
behind bars in jail or prison.
calaboose (informal) a jail or prison.
can2 (slang) jail. [1/8 definitions]
cellmate a person that one shares a prison or jail cell with.
convict a person who is serving time in jail or prison. [1/3 definitions]
cooler (slang) jail. [1/3 definitions]
do time to spend time in jail or prison as a person convicted of a crime.
dungeon a jail or jail cell, esp. a dark, damp one underground.
gaol (chiefly British) variant of "jail."
house arrest legal confinement of a person under arrest in his or her home, a hospital, or a public building rather than in jail or prison.
inmate someone who is restricted to a jail, hospital, or the like.
jail to place in or as if in a jail; imprison. [1/3 definitions]
jailbird (informal) someone who is serving or has served time in jail; convict.
jailbreak a forcible escape from jail.
jailer one responsible for the maintenance and security of a jail. [1/2 definitions]
jug (slang) a jail. [1/6 definitions]
lockup a jail, esp. one where accused persons are held to await a court appearance. [2 definitions]
probation the supervised release of a convict from jail or prison for a certain period of time, which is considered a trial period before full release. [1/2 definitions]
turnkey one who has control of the keys in a prison or jail; jailer. [1/2 definitions]