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clog a blockage or impediment to motion, such as a weight attached to an animal's leg. [1/7 definitions]
drawback an impediment to the success or desirability of something; negative feature; flaw.
encumbrance something or someone that hinders or burdens; impediment. [1/2 definitions]
handicap a disability or disadvantage that acts as an impediment or limitation. [1/6 definitions]
hang-up (informal) an unspecified psychological or emotional impediment or fixation. [2 definitions]
obstruction something that obstructs; obstacle or impediment. [1/3 definitions]
retardation something that causes delay; impediment. [1/4 definitions]
rub a bar or impediment. [1/8 definitions]
snag a hidden or unexpected problem or impediment; obstacle. [1/7 definitions]
stymie that which stymies; obstacle or impediment. [1/3 definitions]
tongue-tie a speech impediment caused by restriction of tongue movement by an abnormally short frenum. [1/2 definitions]
tongue-tied afflicted with a speech impediment caused by abnormal shortness of the membrane that connects the tongue to the floor of the mouth. [1/2 definitions]
traffic jam a slowing down or cessation of the flow of traffic due to a concentration of drivers in one area or an accident or other impediment.
trammel (usu. pl.) a restraint or impediment to free movement. [1/6 definitions]