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adversity a condition of misfortune or difficulty. [1/2 definitions]
alcoholism a pathological condition resulting from habitual overuse of alcoholic beverages, characterized by dependence on alcohol, difficulty in functioning properly, and severe withdrawal symptoms when alcohol use is stopped.
anemia a condition resulting from a deficiency of red blood cells or hemoglobin and characterized by weakness, pallor, and difficulty in breathing.
anemic pertaining to or suffering from anemia, a condition resulting from a deficiency of red blood cells or hemoglobin and characterized by weakness, pallor, and difficulty in breathing. [1/2 definitions]
arduous entailing great difficulty, exertion, or endurance; laborious. [1/3 definitions]
bear up to face hardship without despairing; withstand difficulty or stress; be brave; endure.
bind a situation of unusual difficulty. [1/13 definitions]
bite the bullet to endure the pain or difficulty of voluntarily forced effort, or the unpleasantness of a situation forced upon one.
boggle to overcome with the complexity or difficulty of something. [1/4 definitions]
burden1 something that is carried, borne, or endured, usu. with some difficulty. [1/3 definitions]
cerebral palsy a motor disorder caused by damage to the brain before or during birth, characterized by spastic paralysis and difficulty in controlling the voluntary muscles.
choke to suffer difficulty in breathing or swallowing (sometimes fol. by "on"). [1/9 definitions]
clamber to climb awkwardly or with difficulty, using both hands and feet. [1/2 definitions]
clean performed or made without difficulty or mistake. [1/12 definitions]
confused having difficulty perceiving or understanding because of conflicting or otherwise incomprehensible information; perplexed; puzzled.
constipation difficulty or infrequency in moving the bowels.
coward a person who lacks the courage to face danger, pain, or difficulty; a person easily discouraged or intimidated by fear. [1/2 definitions]
croup1 an abnormal respiratory condition, most common in children, the symptoms of which include coughing and difficulty in breathing.
diphtheria a severe contagious bacterial infection whose symptoms are high fever and difficulty in breathing.
doubt to be unconvinced or unsure of the truth; have difficulty believing something. [1/6 definitions]
dyslexia a learning disorder characterized by difficulty in recognizing and understanding written words.