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advise disclose; reveal; impart. [1/5 definitions]
breathe to impart as if through breathing. [1/10 definitions]
color that which is used to impart color, such as dye or paint. [2/12 definitions]
coloring a substance used to impart color. [1/4 definitions]
communicate to impart. [1/4 definitions]
curve to cause to curve; impart a curve to. [1/7 definitions]
dye a liquid used to impart color, as to fabrics, or the substance, usu. a powder, from which the liquid is made. [1/5 definitions]
flavor to impart a flavor to. [1/4 definitions]
give to convey or impart. [1/13 definitions]
pebble to impart a wrinkled, grainy texture to (leather, paper, or the like). [1/4 definitions]
sachet a small bag or pouch filled with scented powder, dried flowers, or herbs, to be tucked into drawers or closets to impart fragrance to clothing.
screw to impart energy or force to, as if by adding tension or pressure (usu. fol. by "up"). [1/13 definitions]
swirl to impart a spiral or twisting motion to; cause to whirl. [1/5 definitions]
tinge to impart a faint or slight trace of something to. [1/4 definitions]
transfuse to transmit or impart, as by causing to flow or become diffused. [1/2 definitions]
we used by a sovereign in formal statements instead of I to impart an impersonal quality. [1/4 definitions]