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alley1 a path or walkway between garden beds, trees, or other landscape elements, as in a park. [1/5 definitions]
ambulatory in architecture, a covered walkway in a cloister. [1/5 definitions]
boardwalk a walkway built of wooden boards, esp. a promenade at a beach.
canopy a suspended covering, usu. of fabric held up on poles, as over a bed, dining area, ceremonial area, or walkway. [1/5 definitions]
catwalk a narrow, raised walkway, as on a bridge or other high structure.
causeway a raised road or walkway across water or wetlands.
cinder to scatter cinders on a road, walkway, or the like. [1/4 definitions]
cloister in architecture, a covered walkway around the inside of a building, facing an open central courtyard. [1/4 definitions]
gangplank a board or other movable walkway used for getting on or off a ship; gangway.
gangway a temporary walkway that extends from a ship to the shore; gangplank. [1/4 definitions]
pergola an arbor or covered walkway with a roof of vines or other climbing plants trained over trelliswork.
portico a roof supported by columns, serving as a covered walkway or building entrance.
ramp a movable staircase or walkway set against the doorway of a plane or boat for passengers to enter or exit. [1/7 definitions]
ropewalk a narrow walkway, esp. one built over marshy ground, that is provided with rope handrails on one or both sides. [1/2 definitions]
sidewalk a paved walkway along the side of a street or road.
skyway an elevated enclosed walkway between buildings. [1/3 definitions]