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barrator in law, one who frequently stirs up quarrels or brings groundless lawsuits.
barratry in law, the practice of frequently stirring up groundless lawsuits. [1/2 definitions]
blubbery given to crying frequently. [1/3 definitions]
blues (used with a sing. or pl. verb) a style of jazz developed by American blacks, usu. having a twelve-bar structure and frequently composed in a minor key. [1/2 definitions]
bop1 a form of jazz music having complex rhythms and harmonies which overlay and frequently obscure the melody.
butterfingers (used with a sing. verb) someone who frequently drops things.
catch phrase a phrase that gains wide public currency, esp. by being frequently repeated.
cerebellopontine angle a region of the brain between the pons and cerebellum where tumors frequently form.
common frequently seen or occurring. [1/9 definitions]
drunkard one who is frequently drunk.
entertainer one who gives hospitality to guests, esp. frequently or extravagantly. [1/2 definitions]
every now and then on some occasions, but not frequently or regularly; occasionally.
FAQ abbreviation of "frequently asked questions."
fatigable tiring easily or frequently.
floater one who frequently changes addresses, jobs, or the like; drifter. [2/4 definitions]
from time to time occasionally; sometimes but not frequently.
gossip someone who frequently participates in the telling of gossip. [1/4 definitions]
grass widow a woman whose husband is away frequently or for long periods of time, as for a job. [1/2 definitions]
grass widower a man whose wife is away frequently or for long periods of time, as for a job. [1/2 definitions]
guzzle to consume such things as alcoholic beverages frequently or in large amounts. [1/3 definitions]
haunt to go to (a place) frequently. [1/4 definitions]