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lat. abbreviation of "latitude," the angular distance between the equator and a point north or south on the earth's surface, as measured in degrees.
latitude the geographic region located at a particular latitude. [1/3 definitions]
Mercator projection a map in which the meridians and the parallels of latitude are shown as straight lines that cross at right angles, and in which areas appear more distorted the farther they are from the equator.
parallel any of the imaginary lines on the earth's surface that represent degrees of latitude from north to south. [1/9 definitions]
sinusoidal projection an equal-area map projection of the entire earth in which all lines of latitude are shown as straight lines and all lines of longitude as curved.
tree line the limit of northern or southern latitude beyond which trees do not grow to their normal height. [1/2 definitions]
tropic either of the two imaginary circles around the earth defined by the sun's farthest apparent seasonal movement northward and southward in the sky. The northern circle, called the Tropic of Cancer, lies at latitude 23°27′ north and the southern circle, the Tropic of Capricorn, lies at 23°27′ south. [1/3 definitions]
Tropic of Cancer an imaginary line around the earth parallel to the equator and about twenty-three degrees north of it, representing the northernmost latitude at which the sun is ever directly overhead.
Tropic of Capricorn an imaginary line around the earth parallel to the equator and about twenty-three degrees south of it, representing the southernmost latitude at which the sun is ever directly overhead.
zone any of the five areas of the earth's surface, bounded by latitude lines, and named according to the region's temperature, such as the North Temperate Zone. [1/11 definitions]