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aqueduct a bridgelike structure designed to carry a waterway or pipe across a river or valley. [1/2 definitions]
bowl1 a rounded valley or other geographical depression or formation. [1/6 definitions]
cirque a circular basin or hollow in an upper end of a mountain valley sometimes containing a pond.
dale a valley.
debouch of a river or the like, to flow from a narrow valley into a larger channel or open plain. [1/4 definitions]
defile2 a narrow passage or valley, as between mountains. [1/3 definitions]
dell a small, secluded vale or valley, usu. wooded.
embouchure the opening out of a valley into a flatland. [1/4 definitions]
Euphrates a river that flows from eastern Turkey south to join the Tigris in a valley in which some of the most ancient civilizations developed.
flatland (often pl.) fairly flat terrain such as a valley or plains, as opposed to hilly or mountainous terrain.
glen a narrow secluded valley, esp. between mountains.
gully a ravine or valley worn away by a watercourse or flooding and still serving as a drainage course for overflow. [1/3 definitions]
hollow a low or sunken spot or area, esp. a small valley. [1/10 definitions]
intervalley combined form of valley.
Mahican a member of a tribe or confederacy of North American Indians formerly living in the upper Hudson Valley. [1/2 definitions]
Mohave a member of a North American Indian tribe formerly living in the Colorado River valley of Arizona and California. [1/2 definitions]
Mound Builders the early Indian peoples of North America who built extensive burial mounds, mainly in the Mississippi Valley.
papyrus a tall reedlike water plant of the Nile valley. [1/3 definitions]
Rhine wine any of various light, semidry, white wines that come from the Rhine Valley, or similar wines from elsewhere.
rift a geological fault, or a valley along a fault. [1/4 definitions]
Sancerre a dry French white wine from the upper Loire valley.