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composite something composed of separate elements, esp. a combination of elements that has structural or functional properties not found in its separate parts; compound. [1/5 definitions]
corresponding in a functional relation with something else. [1/3 definitions]
cosmetic serving an aesthetic but not functional purpose. [1/4 definitions]
dipteran any of various insects, such as the fly or mosquito, having two functional wings and the vestiges of two other wings that serve as balancing organs. [1/2 definitions]
economy the functional disposition of the parts of any whole. [1/5 definitions]
gear a standard or functional arrangement of a collection of such gears, esp. in a vehicle. [2/8 definitions]
hyperfunctional combined form of functional.
independent variable a mathematical variable in a functional relationship, whose value may change independently of the value of other variables.
land the functional capacity of soil (often used in combination). [1/12 definitions]
multifunctional combined form of functional.
neurosis any of several functional disorders of the mind that are apparently not caused by any injury to the brain and are manifested by depression, phobias, compulsions, and the like.
nonfunctional combined form of functional.
operable capable of being put into operation; functional. [1/2 definitions]
operational being used or capable of being used; functional. [1/2 definitions]
parenchyma the essential, functional tissue of an organ, as distinguished from its connective or supporting tissue. [1/3 definitions]
peripheral an auxiliary device, such as a disk, printer, scanner, or the like, that is used with a computer to increase its functional range or efficiency. [1/3 definitions]
repair1 the act or process of restoring to a workable or functional order. [1/6 definitions]
vestige a rudimentary or non-functional part or organ remaining from an earlier stage of development in an individual or species, such as the human appendix. [1/2 definitions]