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amah in India and the Far East, a female servant, esp. a child's nurse.
arrack in the Middle East and neighboring areas, any of various liquors distilled from materials such as fermented rice or molasses.
ascendant in astrology, the point in the earth's orbit intersecting with the apparent path of the sun, or the sign of the zodiac rising in the east, at the time of an event such as one's birth. [1/4 definitions]
Atlantic Ocean an ocean bordered by Europe and Africa on the east and the Americas on the west; Atlantic.
babirusa a wild pig of the East Indies, the male of which has tusks that grow up through the snout and curve backward toward the eyes.
Balkan Peninsula a European peninsula between the Adriatic Sea on the west and the Black and Aegean Seas on the east.
Baltic Sea a sea between Sweden on the west and Poland and the Baltic States on the east.
bandicoot any of several large East Indian rats. [1/2 definitions]
banyan a large East Indian fig tree, the branches of which send down added roots which become supports. [1/2 definitions]
bazaar a street market or market area lined with vendors, esp. in the Middle East. [1/3 definitions]
Berlin Wall a barrier first erected in 1961 that separated West Berlin from East Berlin, eventually fortified and extended to create a border between West Germany and East Germany, and ultimately opened to unrestricted transit on November 9, 1989, prior to being dismantled.
betel a climbing East Indian pepper plant. [1/2 definitions]
British East India Company a British company that carried on trade with the East Indies from 1600 to 1874 under the sanction of a royal government charter.
buffalo grass a range grass found on the plains east of the Rocky Mountains.
caftan a loose, full-length garment with long sleeves and a sash tied at the waist, worn esp. in countries of the Middle East.
caïque a long narrow rowboat used in the Middle East. [1/2 definitions]
Cambridge the city in which this university is located, in east central England. [1/2 definitions]
caravansary an inn, esp. in the Middle East, with a large courtyard for the animals used as transportation in a caravan. [1/2 definitions]
cardamom the seed of an Asiatic perennial or an East Indian plant, used medicinally and as a spice. [1/2 definitions]
cardinal points the four main points of the compass; north, east, south, and west.
Celebes an Indonesian island east of Borneo; Sulawesi.