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account an arrangement with a store or other business wherein a customer is given certain advantages or access to special services, typically in return for the customer supplying certain information and, often, permitting various forms of advertising through mail, email, or other form of communication. [1/16 definitions]
act up to happen again or return, as an illness or malfunction. [1/3 definitions]
antistrophe in ancient Greek poetry or theater, the return movement made by the chorus in response to the previous strophe. (Cf. strophe.) [1/2 definitions]
atman (cap.) the universal soul from which all individual souls derive and to which, as the supreme goal of existence, they return. [1/2 definitions]
back in return or in reply. [1/15 definitions]
back up to return to an earlier point in one's story or account, or give explanatory background to what one is saying. [1/8 definitions]
bail1 an amount of money or other property left with a court to ensure that a person who is released after arrest will return to stand trial. [1/5 definitions]
benefice land held by a feudal tenant as a return for services to the owner. [1/3 definitions]
boomerang a curved wooden club designed to return to the thrower when hurled, used as a hunting weapon by Australian aborigines. [2/3 definitions]
bribe something, esp. money, that is illicitly promised or given in return for privileges or favors, usu. to someone in a position of public trust. [1/4 definitions]
bring back to return (something) to its owner or to a store where it was purchased. [1/3 definitions]
callback a request to a worker to return to work, esp. after a layoff or after normal working hours. [2/3 definitions]
call back to continue a telephone conversation with (someone) at a later time, or to return someone's telephone call.
calm down to become less full of tension; return to normal. [1/3 definitions]
carrier pigeon a pigeon trained to return to its home base, esp. one used to carry messages from outposts; homing pigeon. [1/2 definitions]
change the money that one is given in return if one pays for something with an amount of money than is greater than the price. [1/18 definitions]
circulatory of or pertaining to the circulatory system, the system of bodily organs, including the heart, arteries, and veins, that send blood and lymph throughout the body and return it, no longer containing oxygen, to the heart. [1/2 definitions]
comeback (informal) a return to a former status, popularity, level of performance, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
come back to return. [4/5 definitions]
come home to roost of an action or actions, to return or rebound against the doer; boomerang.
compensation something given or received in return or reparation for something else, such as wages for work or a cash settlement for injuries sustained. [1/2 definitions]