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academic having to do with scholarship or disciplined, intellectual study. [1/4 definitions]
benighted in intellectual or moral darkness; ignorant; unenlightened. [1/2 definitions]
bluestocking a learned woman, esp. an intellectual and literary one.
Bohemian (often l.c.) a person, such as a writer, artist, or other intellectual, whose lifestyle is unconventional. [2/6 definitions]
brain drain (informal) the loss of professional or intellectual persons from one country or company to another that offers better pay, opportunities, or advantages.
brainpower mental or intellectual ability, or the people that have it.
captivating causing one to be charmed or fascinated, as by beauty or intellectual appeal.
civilization refinement in intellectual and cultural matters. [1/6 definitions]
collaborate to cooperate or work with someone else, esp. on an artistic or intellectual project. [1/2 definitions]
culture the artistic and intellectual endeavors of a society or social class, as in the areas of music, art, fashion, and literature, or the works that are produced from these endeavors, esp. those considered of good taste and high value. [1/8 definitions]
Dark Ages the Middle Ages, esp. from about 476 A.D. to the end of the tenth century, so called because of intellectual, cultural, and social decline and stagnation.
deep of great intellectual power. [1/13 definitions]
degrade to bring (someone or something) down in moral or intellectual character; deprave; debase. [1/8 definitions]
depth intellectual complexity. [2/8 definitions]
developmental having the purpose of promoting healthy intellectual or emotional development in a child. [1/4 definitions]
egghead (informal) an intellectual, considered somewhat negatively.
elevate to improve the cultural, intellectual, or moral level of. [1/4 definitions]
fecund capable of producing abundant creative or intellectual output; productive or creative. [1/2 definitions]
feeling a general consciousness, perception, or sensation more or less independent of intellectual or physical activity. [1/10 definitions]
geek a person who is considered to be socially different or awkward, esp. because of being overly intellectual. [1/3 definitions]
highbrow one who has or pretends to have highly sophisticated intellectual and cultural interests and tastes (often used disparagingly). [1/2 definitions]