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bulge a rounded or swollen protrusion caused by pressure from below or within. [1/4 definitions]
burr1 a protrusion or roughness left on a surface as a result of cutting or casting. [1/3 definitions]
exophthalmos abnormal protrusion of the eyeball caused by certain medical conditions such as hyperthyroidism.
gill1 the breathing organ of fish and other animals that live in water, consisting of a platelike, saclike, or feathery protrusion. [1/5 definitions]
hiatal hernia a protrusion of part of the stomach wall through the diaphragm at the opening through which the esophagus passes.
hob1 a shelf or protrusion on the interior of a fireplace, used for warming food. [1/2 definitions]
horned viper a highly poisonous snake of Africa, having a hornlike protrusion above each eye; asp.
jut something that juts out; protrusion. [1/2 definitions]
knob a rounded protrusion, such as a doorknob, drawer pull, or mechanical switch. [1/3 definitions]
outcrop a protrusion of rock above the surface of the soil. [1/2 definitions]
pout1 a protrusion of the lips, often to express annoyance or unhappiness. [1/5 definitions]
prominence something that projects or sticks out; protrusion. [1/2 definitions]
pseudopod a temporary protrusion of the protoplasm in certain one-celled organisms or in certain cells of some multicellular animals, used like a foot in locomotion or like a hand to grasp food.
taxis1 the manual returning of a body part to its place, as in the case of a dislocated joint or a hernia protrusion, without cutting any tissue. [1/2 definitions]
thorn a short, spiny protrusion on a plant stem or branch. [1/3 definitions]